Preventive insurance, anti-assault apps to help women

Violence escalation can find solutions in digital technologies that can trigger alerts, receive rescue and have insurance coverage. Here is an updated list of Italian and international startups that are working on it

Published on 08 Oct 2017

Events recently reported on rape cases in Italy bring attention to the “security” risks affecting the female gender. We had already talked about apps during the Women’s Day last March, which certainly will not solve the problem, but at least offer a tool for launching alarms and rescue requests.

There are 62 million women living in the 28 EU countries who have suffered physical or sexual violence and harassment (or both) since adolescence, an information contained in the first report by the EU Fundamental Rights Agency (Fra) on violence against women, the largest survey ever conducted worldwide, published in 2014.

Among the abuses there are physical and psychological ones, stalking and other persecuting systems via the internet. In Italy, Istat data for 2014/2015, show 6 million 788 thousand women victims of physical or sexual violence or harassment and 3 million 466 thousand those who are victims of stalking.

Among the new needs of our community, there is therefore overwhelmingly the need to find solutions to stem and tackle this sad phenomenon, with a legislative, social, cultural approach.

There are technologies which can provide practical help when needed, mobile applications designed specifically for women, with large experimentation.

The implementation of security apps falls under the issue of “preventive insurance”, which is the subject of the new Call4Ideas BNP Paribas Cardif Open-F@2017, still open and expiring on October 23.

Here is a list of security apps available in Italy, which includes 7 applications.

SecurWoman 2.0 – It is probably the most comprehensive solution we have taken into consideration and is the only one that, in addition to managing the emergency, provides for the management of its consequences, thanks to a policy included. The application is connected to a workstation. If needed, just shake the smartphone to send a message to the headquarter, that try to contact whoever asks for help. In the absence of communication, the headquarters directly calls for police or emergency aid, providing geographic coordinates. The app is active 24/7 in two languages (Italian and English), the insurance covers medical aid in the event of theft or strike, specialized workforce to repair the lock, keys and documents remake.

Siamo Sicure! – Sponsored by Telefono Rosa, it has a very simple, “granny-proof”: four big buttons, the red for sound alarm and torch; the blue for the emergency call; the orange sends a sms of help request, with geographic location, to the numbers chosen by the user; purple contains a safety list with behaviors and useful reactions in case of threat.

Stalking Buster – According to its name, is focused on protection from stalking, a growing issue in our country. Sponsored by Fondazione Donna – Milano Onlus and Avanade Italy “Stalking Buster” is a free emergency management application with a very user-friendly interface that geolocalizes and allows to contact via sms or phone call police or anti-violence centers. Using the smartphone location, the actions can be quicker and immediate. The “Sos 112” button connects to the European single emergency number; “Sos Stk” calls the antistalking emergency number set by the user, for example 1522 promoted by the “Dipartimento delle Pari Opportunità”; “Sos Sms” sends an automatic sms to the number of the antistalking unit showing the position of the person on the map.

Freeda – App made by a Turin startup (currently under development, in Tim WCap incubator), founded by Eleonora Gargiulo, allowing the user to safely walk down the city, even during the night: the application actually provides a map with transport and mobility indications, also based on time, and in addition reviews of places provided by users.

bSafe – It has several features, in particular allows to stay in contact with friends or family via GPS, enabling to make a false phone call if needed, report geo-location, or call anybody chosen in case of emergency. The most interesting feature is linked to the SOS button: an audio and video recording of what’s going on around you, immediately starts.

Shaw – It’s the security app from the US Soroptimist Association. It has a dual function: on the one hand it calls 112 or 1522 (the number established by the Dipartimento delle Pari Opportunità and active 24/7) in case of need; on the other hand it offers legal information to women, a focus on stalking and the list of anti-violence centers in the area.

Where ARE U? – Created by the Emergency Regional Office (AREU) of Lombardia, it also allows to call 112 (European Emergency Number) and send position, adding the possibility of making a silent call, with the help of specific buttons it is possible to report the kind of rescue required. Unfortunately at the moment it only works in Lombardia, the province of Rome and Genoa.

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