Gender Equality: BNP Paribas Cardif achieves certification for supporting women at work

Thanks to its strong commitment towards diversity, BNP Paribas Cardif has obtained the “Gender equality” certification from the Winning Women Institute association. Here are the initiatives and the corporate culture

Published on 05 Feb 2021

Respect for pay equity, a significant presence of women at managerial levels in the company, inclusive business practices and openness to maternity protection. These are the principles that have earned BNP Paribas Cardif the “Gender equality” certification from the Winning Women Institute association. 

From mentoring courses dedicated to young female employees to the creation of a female community, from safety projects to an acceleration program dedicated to female entrepreneurship and the creation of the Chief Diversity Officer, this is the BNP Paribas Cardif model for dealing with diversity and inclusion in the workplace.

Why BNP Paribas Cardif has received the “Gender Equality” certification 

Diversity perceived as a value and cultural enrichment, stimulating and connecting rather than dividing. This is the approach of BNP Paribas Cardif, one of the top ten insurance companies in Italy, which, thanks to its commitment to diversity, has recently obtained “Gender Equality” certification from the Winning Women Institute, an association that aims to spread the principle of gender equality at work. 

This important recognition comes after a consolidated path through the many initiatives put in place by the insurance company led by Isabella Fumagalli, which for years has been the front line in the efforts to achieve a meritocratic and fair working environment and to encourage the spread of an inclusive culture outside the company as well. 

The value that BNP Paribas Cardif assigns to gender equality is testified by the creation in 2020 of the role of Chief Diversity Officer, entrusted to Paola Del Curatolo, CFO of the Company and member of the Executive Committee. 

BNP Paribas Cardif, the projects to support women 

The emergency generated by the pandemic has not stopped BNP Paribas Cardif commitment to diversity, which also in 2020 has launched several projects involving both its own employees and the community at large. 

4U Young Women Mentorship 

Starting from the young female collaborators, the under-35s who, more than others, are part of this process, with “4U YOUNG WOMEN MENTORSHIP” the Company launched an internal mentoring program dedicated to 26 female collaborators who were supported by 26 senior female managers of the company. This idea was born from the women in top positions who shared their expertise with other junior women, offering them the chance to share their paths, successes, difficulties and advice through 6 meetings. 

The initiative started during the lockdown months, proving to be a valuable support at a time when young female colleagues were struggling with the management of young children and work at home, and set the stage for creating a community that has already expanded, involving many other women in the company as well as male colleagues. 

Inspiring Women 

Still with a view to training, the adhesion to “INSPIRING WOMEN”, a project of the Italian-French Chamber of Commerce that has seen the involvement since 2019 of 11 young women and 2 mentors from BNP Paribas Cardif, and the collaboration with the association “Valore D”, of which BNP Paribas Cardif has been a supporter for years, enabling in 2020 16 female employees to participate free of charge in 12 training courses and 4 mentorships. 

Fior di pelle 

The Company has not disregarded the issue of security, which is increasingly a focus of media debate, involving the innovative startup with a social vocation Women Security and launching “A Fior di pelle“, a training and prevention program for gender respect in the company and in daily life. In October, a series of meetings started on the issues of security for women and their families, to help them prevent, manage and reduce risk situations with the support of experienced professionals, technologies and training. 

MIA – Miss In Action 

The support and collaboration with female innovative startups and SMEs is a consolidated path also thanks to “MIA – MISS IN ACTION“, the first acceleration program dedicated to female entrepreneurship, launched in 2018 by BNP Paribas Cardif together with other BNP Paribas Group companies and Digital Magics, the most important Italian business incubator. 

Gender equality, an all-embracing business model 

Gender diversity is an important issue for BNP Paribas Cardif, part of a broader sustainable model that addresses inclusion in general, making insurance more accessible, and focusing on people, including of course its employees. 

The Company offers a cross-cutting corporate welfare program addressing several areas of private and working life in support of children’s education and training (nurseries, school fees, etc.), family assistance (babysitting, elderly care, etc.), welfare, transport, travel, sports and wellness (gyms, swimming pools, etc.), culture and leisure (cinema, theater, etc.), and the possibility of smart working. 

In addition, in 2020 particular attention was paid to health, so that, in addition to the traditional coverage available to all employees, innovative solutions were introduced to cope with Covid-19, including the chatbot, the “Info Covid Help Center H24″, the psychological desk and the possibility of remote specialist medical examinations with remote telehealth. 

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